Together, we are fostering the development of space technology in Canada through experiential learning

Our Mission Objectives

Training Highly
Qualified Personnel
Investigate Radiation
Effects Within Space
Facilitate Community
Exposing as many students to real world skills related to technical engineering and project management as possible
Our payloads aim to explore radiation effects on microelectronics, as well as how to mitigate those effects
Raising awareness of the CSA and the space sector to the people of Saskatchewan
What makes us unique ?
SkCubeSat is comprised of hardworking and dedicated students at the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina. A majority of these students are pursuing full time undergraduate degrees, while building a satellite in their free time. Our members spend countless hours working on our CubeSat projects, most of which is entirely volunteer work. Most of their work does not have any academic ties, meaning there are no associated grades or academic credit. Students participate in the Saskatchewan cube satellite projects because they are passionate for space research, technology and engineering, and have a strong desire to be part of a collaborative team.
We take pride in saying both of our satellite projects are ran primarily by undergraduate students. With the support and mentorship of various professors and engineers within the industry, project management and team lead positions are all held by undergraduates. This allows students pursuing bachelor degrees the ability to gain invaluable and unique experience related to their field of study.

SkCubeSat is proudly partnered with:

Thank you to our sponsors!